A perfectly-packed diaper bag is the key to any successful trip out of the house. It will include all the necessary items to ensure that your baby is as content as possible. Believe us, there are plenty of situations you need to be prepared for when you have a baby in tow! Remember all the items we told you you would need in this post? Now it’s time to put them to good use! Blowouts, empty tummies, bored babies, and runny noses are all possible situations that you can face. At home you are you’re surrounded by all the items you need! But when you’re out, you don’t have access to all these products. That’s why it’s so important to pack your diaper properly, so you’re never in a sticky situation!
Here’s what the perfectly-packed diaper bag for a long day out will look like:
Diapers and Changing
3-5 diapers is the perfect amount to pack in your bag! Even if you have a small trip out of the house, blowouts and accidents can happen. You want to have plenty of diapers, just in case.
- 1 pack of diaper wipes is also a good use of space. These can obviously be used when you change you baby, but they also can be used when you have a dirty baby! They’ll be more handy than you may know!
- 1 bottle of travel-sized diaper cream is also important to have in your bag. Diaper rashes can come out of nowhere, and you don’t want your baby to suffer through a nasty diaper rash without the assistance of some cream.
- 1 changing pad is also an important addition to your bag. Sometimes you won’t be near a comfortable changing table, so this pad with help you create a comfortable place to change your baby.
- 1 bag for dirty diapers, just in case you’re not near a place to dispose of them.
Milk and Food
- 1-3 bottles depending on how long you’re out of the house.
-Formula: If using formula, just put the pre-measured formula powder in the bottles, and bring a water to make the formula.
-Breast Milk/Milk: If you want to use bottles with breast milk or regular milk, pack them in a small bottle bag with ice.
- 1 breastfeeding cover to breastfeed anywhere you go! These also act as amazing, breathable covers for the stroller when baby takes a nap.
- Various snacks in containers to feed your little munchkin when they’re hungry (if they’re able to eat solids).
- 1-3 baby food pouches depending on how long you’re out of the house (if they are able to eat solids).
Cleaning and Sanitizing Products
- hand sanitizing wipes for baby.
- table wipes to sanitize surfaces the baby will eat off of.
- a pack of tissues in case baby has a runny nose (or Mommy and Daddy).
Lotion and Sunscreen
- 1 bottle of travel-sized lotion in case there’s any dry skin.
- 1 bottle of travel-sized baby sunscreen for protection from the sun.
Toys and Pacifiers
- 1-2 toys that are you baby’s favorites.
- 1-2 pacifiers, just in case!
- 1 pacifier clip
Clothes and Bibs
- A clean change of clothes, in case there’s a messy baby!
- 1 sweatshirt for cold weather.
- 1 or two bib for drool and food.
This is a pretty general idea of what will be in the perfect diaper bag. Obviously your baby’s age and the weather can slightly change what items will be necessary in your bag. It’s best to be overpacked, than underpacked. You want to be prepared for everything that life (or your baby) will throw at you. A diaper bag packed as perfectly as this one will ensure you’re completely prepared!
If you’re currently pregnant, be sure to get a gender prediction on our site using the theory/theories of your choice! It provides you with insight, and makes the wait fun!