Ovulation calculator

It's time to get to know your body! With this simple ovulation calculator is easy knowing your ovulation periods. Is great not only for trying to get pregnant, but also to know when you might be experiencing hormonal changes that might lead to other symptoms. If you are not trying to get pregnant you can benefit of this period calculator for knowing that those few days you might experience ovulation pain, your skin might breakout and your sex drive might increase, and not necessarily in that order!

What is ovulation?

It's the time of your menstrual cycle when your ovaries release an egg! This egg will travel down your fallopian tubes and either get fertilized and become a baby or just be discharged with the rest of your uterine lining. Sounds simple enough right?

When does ovulation happen?

Truth is, it is different for every woman! Some have very short luteal phases (the time between ovulation and your period) and some have longer ones. The most common is to have equal amount of time before and after ovulation. This means that if your cycle is 28 days, you will likely ovulate the 13th-15th, if your cycle is 30 days you will likely ovulate between days 14-16.

How can I know when I ovulate?

We provide you a pregnancy probability calcutator caldendar that can tell you the most likely days you will ovulate; however there are other fertility calculator methods that can help you know exactly when you will ovulate.

Temping- taking your body temperature every morning before you get out of bed can show you when your temperature peeks and thus meaning you have ovulated.

Discharge- vaginal discharge changes consistency during the various stages of your cycle, learning what it looks and feels like during ovulation can also be helpful

Charting- Taking notes of your daily temperature and discharge for several months can give you a great sense on your cycles and the length of each of your phases.

Ovulation tests- there are several kinds, we recommend the digital ones because the ones with lines can be hard to read.

Fertility tracker- These wristbands have become popular in the last couple of years. They track your body temperature plus any data you give them digitally and are very good at giving you information about your fertile window.

We hope this was helpful! We aim to help women know more about their bodies and their pregnancies with this accurate ovulation calculator online!


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